Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Why Blog?

Blogging seems somehow strange to me. The idea that we should share with the world our deepest feelings that used to be locked in journals with keys hidden carefully from our closest family and friends is a bit unnerving.

There are secrets that should be shared and will actually help society as a whole to understand a segment of the population better. This blog is intended to share day-to-day life as the parent of a very complex special needs child.

I recently attempted to explain to my friend why we sometimes made it to church or even the grocery store with my son, Billy Ray, dressed well and freshly shaved, while I might be in jeans with my hair still wet. It occurred to me that it would be very difficult for this lady to understand what our life is like. Sharing through this blog is an attempt to make it easier to understand life with your disabled child or a disabled child you might meet in the community somewhere.

I recently wrote a book, Parenting Your Complex Child (AMACOM Books Spring 2006). By blogging I hope to supplement the information contained in the book with feelings and experiences not shared in my book.

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