Monday, November 28, 2005

Using Other's Experience to Adapt for Your Child

In her article KILLING AUTISM IS A CONSTANT BATTLE, Sue Rubin talks about the morning routine she experiences. She relates waking up screaming and the need to run around the house fast – impulses she can’t really control.
Literature relative to Autism and other special needs provide methods for working with our children. What I find the most helpful is articles like Sue Rubin’s and much of Temple Grandin’s work where they share what happens in a day to day experience. That understanding of why Billy Ray may behave the way he does rather than just what to do about it gives me something to build on.
In redesigning Billy Ray’s schedule this weekend, I thought about his apparent need to just run and pace in the morning. Instead of fighting it we just put a place for it in his schedule right after testing his blood sugar and taking some important medication. We encouraged him to put his walkman on and do his “circle” (running around the breakfast bar and through the kitchen and living room). This acceptance of his need to do this seemed to make him feel more comfortable. When he was finished, he was able to settle down and stay more focused on making his breakfast and the rest of the activities of his morning.
The writings of those who are willing to be open about their experiences makes such a difference in our ability to understand and adapt to our children.
Until tomorrow,
Peggy Lou Morgan

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